Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Photos from the past

Photographs have long been used to record special and unique moments – birthdays, weddings and the occasional selfie are all commonplace. But these next 30 photographs go beyond the norm – they encapsulate the mood, tone and values of yesteryear, a compelling account of the evolution of our values if you will. From landmarks in history, strange feats of physical endurance through to peculiar devices & oddball characters we hope this series of images will astound, confound and enthrall you.
01. Unpacking the Head of the Statue of Liberty delivered June 17, 1885


02. The hippo belonged to a circus and apparently enjoyed pulling the cart as a trick 1924

03. Charlie Chaplin in 1916 at the age of 27

04. Annie Edison Taylor (1838-1921), the first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel in 1901.

05. Sharing bananas with a goat during the Battle of Saipan, ca. 1944

06. Advertisement for Atabrine, an anti-malaria drug. Papua, New Guinea during WWII

07. Artificial legs, United Kingdom, ca. 1890

08. 1920's Lifeguard

09. Bookstore ruined by an air raid, London 1940

10. Testing new bulletproof vests, 1923

11. Suntan vending machine, 1949

12. A space chimp poses for the camera after a successful mission to space in 1961.

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